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Skincare Ingredients To Avoid

Skincare Ingredients To Avoid

Since time immemorial, skincare has been a part of the human beauty regimen. Ingredients used in skincare products varied over centuries. The earliest skincare ingredients date back to the ancient Egyptian civilization. They used simple ingredients like castor oil, sesame, olive oil, and more to enhance their skin.

Raw skincare with harsh, lightening ingredients has been popular since the 1800s. Moreover, skincare used to be elitist. Although nowadays, skincare has boomed is more available across classes of people. However, the ingredients used are varied. It ranges from natural to synthetic.

There are certain ingredients you need to avoid as they are harmful, and some ingredients which you can avoid as they’re optional. Not using a toner, since it often contains alcohol, would be good for your skin. Alcohol in the toner will make your skin flakier.

Always avoid low-quality products. More often than not, they contain carcinogenic ingredients. Trying to save a few bucks may expose you to a risk to skin cancer. A poor-quality skincare product can have drastic ramifications. So, avoid them like the plague.

Sometimes, harmful ingredients get used in current skincare products. How do you know what the harmful skincare ingredients are? Fret not; we have you covered. Ensure you avoid the ingredients listed below.

Skincare Ingredients To Avoid

The USA has banned only 40 chemicals from skincare products. However, there are at least 14,000 more chemically harmful ingredients that get used in our skincare products. The following list will enlighten you about a minuscule number of toxic ingredients.


Several skin care products contain parabens in them. Parabens tend to mimic the properties of estrogen, which can prove disruptive to your endocrine system.  They get used as a preservative, but they can prove harmful to you over prolonged use. Paraben entering your bloodstream can cause neurological, reproductive, and developmental defects.

Carbon Black

Carbon black got banned by the FDA. However, it still gets found in several skincare and cosmetic products. It is a black pigmented powder found in charcoal face packs, mascaras, and more. Large and prolonged use of products with carbon black can cause cancer, lung issues, and more.


The fragrance is often chemically added to skincare products to make it smell well. They are generally unknown additives. These unknown additives could prove harmful as they could be carcinogenic, endocrine-disrupting, neurotoxic, or hamper development.


Oxybenzone gets commonly found in the fundamental skincare product, sunscreen. It can absorb UVA rays and ensure sun rays do not damage your skin. This chemical can reduce DNA damage risks. However, it is a known disruptor of the endocrine system. Moreover, it's harmful to the coral reefs, should you choose to apply an oxybenzone sunscreen to the sea.


Ethanolamines get found in sunscreens, moisturizers, and sunscreens. They are often used as foaming agents or pH adjustors. However, they can prove to be carcinogenic when applied.


Sulfates like SLS and SLES are used in several skincare products. They are not really beneficial and can cause harm to your skin. Sulfates in your products can irritate your skin. Moreover, it's also a lung irritant. It would help you to read the ingredients carefully and avoid products containing sulfates.


The skincare ingredients to avoid are many. This blog just hits the tip of the iceberg. If you are in doubt, you might use an application like chemical maze to help you identify the toxic ingredients. You can indulge your vanity by protecting your skin from harmful chemicals. There are more applications like Think Dirty-Shop Clean to guide you.

So, protect your skin and avoid toxic ingredients like the plague. Do your due research and ensure you care for skin with safe ingredients. Go clean and green with your skincare!

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